Do you remember your childhood days, having fun, playing games with your friends, and then all-of-a-sudden... someone's feelings are hurt? Something is said or done and is taken offensively, even if it was an accident or an unintended word. We would often hear the declaration that, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". Well, now that you are an adult and have have many hurtful experiences since then, you know that to be not so true. Words Do Hurt!
Tuesdays are the days we attempt to post articles, stories, and encouragement for our couples. Most times it seems that it mainly supports the women, (but we try and keep things even). Sooooo.... today I want to drop a little nugget, word of wisdom, input from the oracle to help women when it comes to the man in their lives.
This is a very simple, but powerful act. Are you ready ladies? Well, here goes. When you are making a request from a man, do your best to use "W"s instead of "C"s.
Of course you are saying, "WHAT!" "What in the world are they talking about?" "This is idiotic!" "You can't do better than that Mr.?" Just give me a minute to explain.
When you ask a question like, "Can you please take out the trash?" even though you added the secret password, "please" to your very valid request, there is a negative ringtone that goes off in his head. "Honey, could you please remember to pick up your clothes off the floor?" Even this sounds harmless to the female ear. And of course you are being as nice as you can be; calmly restraining yourself, to keep from catching a case and sending him in the ER. Once again, this is a blaring, screeching, fingers on the blackboard, annoying sound in a man's ear.
OK, let me explain why. When you use "C" words with a man, "Can you" or "Could you", it actually sounds to him as if you are questioning him ability, his capability, his aptitude to understand the task at hand. So much so that his ego completely shuts out the valid requests you are making, and prepares him to fight for his manhood. "C"s to a man, sound hard and harsh, like C...C...Cut, C...C...Castrate, C...C...Can't get it up!, C.....C..... Can you understand the words that are Coming out of my mouth!
On the other hand, "W"s, such as "will you", or "would you", sounds much less threatening or offensive to him. He is able to drop his guard, put away his ego and receive your request, because it sounds more like you need him and you are depending on him to get a job done. It seems silly, it seems insignificant, but if you don't believe me, ask him if it matters to him. Ask your man, if I'm right. Then share this word of wisdom with another woman in your life.